About Me

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Hi, I'm Laura and I'm a self confessed perfectionist, wedding addict, OCD list maker, foodie and tea-time-tea-and-cake enthusiast with lots of ideas! I love working with people and am a serial organiser, always planning something, always on the go! I live with my wonderful boyfriend at his parents house and am totally in love :o) This blog will be filled with all my ramblings about love, life, inspriation, people and, of course Perfect Choice Planning - set up 2011. Please feel free to comment and contact me about anything you want to and I hope you enjoy reading! Love & Hugs, Me x

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Joie de vivre on the leap year day

So today is 29th February 2012, the extra day of the year and one chance for the next 4 years that women are allowed to propose to their man!
Are you planning to propose to your other half? Have you already done it? I would love to hear your stories about the proposal, whether he said yes , no or maybe!

And girls, don't worry if he doesn't respond positively, [supposedly] Queen Margaret of Scotland proclaimed a law in 1288 that required a marriage proposal refusal to be compensated with the compensation ranging from a kiss to £1 to a silk gown, intended to soften the blow. Admittedly the Queen was only 5 years old at the time but it's not a bad rule to follow, just in case.
Source: The Wedding Genie
Other countries follow different traditions. In Denmark, women are allowed to propose on the medieval leap year day, which is 24th February and the refusal is compensated with 12 pair of gloves and the tradition in Finland states that if a proposal is refused, the man must compensate by buying the woman fabrics for a skirt. Either way, in modern times, it would be a great excuse for a shopping trip!

Your proposal doesn't have to big and extravagant. Much like your wedding, it should be perfectly suited to you. It's nice to do it in one of your favourite places or somewhere you met, however, if like us you aren't going to be on top of Cat Bells in the Lake District (our favourite walk to date) or a pub in Croston surrounded by your mates (where we first met) would make you both feel too uncomfortable then you just need to find the right time. Let's just hope your man doesn't see what's coming and starts acting silly so it doesn't feel like the right time (yes, this has happened to me today!)


And if he does say no, don't take it that he doesn't want to marry you. It might not be the right time for him, you might not be in the right place as a couple or he just wants to ask you in his own time, when he's ready, in the right place ... but of course, my fingers are crossed for you!

At Perfect Choice Planning, we offer a range of services that help you plan for the big day or even a special engagement proposal, whether it's man proposing to woman or vice versa so if you're struggling for inspiration or just need a nudge in the right direction then contact me!

On an alternative, un-wedding related note, today isn't just about women being able to propose to men, it's about that extra day in the year that we have to enjoy the joie de vivre and lengthen the year before Christmas comes around yet again - I swear every year that passes as I'm getting older goes much quicker than the last year. I can't believe it's March already tomorrow!

I hope you all enjoy this extra day of the year no matter what you are doing or if you are planning a proposal. And guys, don't be afraid to say YES!

Until next time...
Me x

Friday 17 February 2012

Get that Friday Feeling...

Woohoo, it's Friday!


To get you all in the mood for the weekend ahead (which I am particularly looking forward to) I just wanted to share some blog posts that have caught my eye over the past couple of weeks, just so that you can all have the opportunity of seeing them too.

A photographer's review of 2011 ... in images

A Retro Day Out - my first styled shoot with Emma B Photography

The value of a good wedding photographer on English Wedding - interesting and informative read

An intimate romantic shoot on Green Wedding Shoes - it gave me tingles!

Wedding Couture in Wonderland on Brides Up North

Photography: Sally T Photography

Media Honesty - Honest to Blog

Ice Maiden at The Monastery - the most recent Perfect Choice Planning styled shoot

Joanne Spencer Photography

Joanne Spencer Photography

Neil Redfern Photography

Joanne Spencer Photography

A beutiful New Zealand Equestrian Wedding

Utah Wedding with a Spot of Rain

Make your own butterfly favour box

A look back at floral trends of 2011

Wild Thing - alternative wedding styling.... with some amazing flower eylashes!

Stunning gold and pink Valentine's Day shoot on Ruffled blog

Photography: Sara & Rocky Photography
The MOST WORN wedding dress ever on Boho Weddings - including an amazing underwater shoot!

The start of a new era on Fifties Wedding blog - the woman behind Look Darling

Wedding Industry Faux Pas' - an honest and open opinion from English Wedding

Enjoy! I hope you love these as much as I did - I wouldn't have shared them other wise. And I'd just lik eto take this moment to thank all the wedding industry suppliers and bloggers who make posts like mine possible, by creating this wedding beauty personified.

{READERS - have you any lovely blog features that you would like to share? Get in contact and your link could be featured in the next edition of The Friday Feeling!}

Until next time....
Me x

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Good morning everyone and Happy Valentines Day to All!


Even if you're not in the most romantic mood for today, I just wanted to let you all know that no matter what you are doing or who you are with today, Valentine's Day isn't just an oppotunity for couples to show their love but the perfect time for the whole human nation to spread their love to each other.

I know people may think "that's esay for you to say, you're in a relationship" but I have spent many years being without a beau on Valentines Day. One year, I re-established Valentine's Day as Awesome Friends Day and spent it in the pub in some great company. Showing unconditional love is just as important on Valentine's Day.

That's why I want to take this moment to tell you all that you are incredible just the way you are and that I love you all in different ways; friends, family, followers, colleagues.

Kelli Joy Photography
It's true that it has become over-rated and commercialised but the key to Valentines Day is to remember the people who mean the most to you and show them how much you love them. That way, no-one has to feel alone.

My and my little sister
Have a great day, do something positive and enjoy yourself, no matter what day it is.

Until next time....
Me x